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Transform our world

Missions at Point Loma Church

The Transform Our World Mission Group reaches out to the world with the Gospel of Christ through mission, sheltering and service beyond our walls. We provide our congregation with opportunities to serve and/or support local and global missions and missionaries through our time, talent and treasure.

A primary way we support our partners is through the allocation of PLCPC mission funds. There is a grant process and discernment among the committee in reviewing the missionaries we support each year. Many of our partners were established through existing relationships held within the church community. We host annual toy, food and backpack drives throughout the year as well as offer regional serving opportunities. We also partner with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to address humanitarian crises that may arise.

If you are interested in serving and getting involved, there are many ways to do so. Join us for our meeting, at 7 pm on the second Tuesday of most months. Contact Bob Lemke for more information about how to get involved.

Local & Regional Partners

Global Partners

Happening now

Food Drive

Bring donations of non-perishable food items and personal hygiene items to collection boxes on campus to support our mission partners: New Day Urban Ministries, Loaves & Fishes, and Military Outreach Ministries. Donations may be brought to Worship services, events, or the church office. You can also donate checks made out to “Lenten Food Drive” or Venmo @point-loma-church with “Lenten Food Drive” in the description.

Serving Opportunities

Please reach out to the following organizations directly if you would like to serve.

  • Loaves and Fishes: monthly opportunities to organize and deliver food donations

  • Uplift: after school tutoring at Washington Elementary School every Tuesday

  • New Day Urban Ministries: weekly volunteer roles for several needs

  • Peninsula Shepherd Center: drivers and companions needed for elderly Point Lomans

  • Military Outreach Ministries: distribute food and other necessities to young military families

  • Genesis Orphanage: trips to Baja to support Genesis' work with orphaned, migrant and fragile children (Each July, Point Loma Church has a week-long trip to the Genesis Orphanage. Look out for registration in the Spring!)

  • Ladle Fellowship: weekly ministry at First Presbyterian serving the homeless (If you would like serve with a group from Point Loma Church, contact David Balfour.)

  • Mission Beyond Committee: eagerly seeking new members! Monthly meeting on the second Tuesday at 7pm. Reach out to Bob Lemke to get involved!